Thursday, May 27, 2010

Do All Mums do this?

Song is what feelings sound like. ~Author Unknown

I don't know if it's just me or if it's something that all mothers do.

Since my little boy came into the world, I find myself singing songs and directing them all at him. When I was a younger, more starry eyed girlie, the songs would automatically bring my significant other to mind. I would sing along to soppy love songs thinking only of him.

Now I think of my little boy who truly is the 'sunshine of my life'

1 comment:

  1. Aaahhh...such wonderful memories of my daughter and I in regard to singing. She had a child's tape recorder and played her favorite cassettes over and over and over again, singing along with every song. We would speak by singing our sentences. We even made up theme songs for each of our dogs.

    Sing on, Momma Claire, sing on.


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